Miracle of Life
Posted by Mathias Japri
5:48 AM
Baby Yung Yung is my niece, this post is a special blog for her 1st Birthday... one year of witnessing the miracle of life, it is all starting at the hospital...

And saw her opened for the first time...

For the few first month she only groans, momentarily opened her eyes then continues to sleep.. :D
Sometimes she cries...
Sometimes her eyes are wondering around...

She smells the odor of her granny...
Above photo is taken when she is 3 months old...
With her mom for the first time, her mum was always refused to be photograph since her mum become very fat during the pregnancy period...

She's began to crawl...

began to sit...

Her smile with white little teeth...

starting to stand on her feet...
... her mom dressed her up for the a little birthday party... a year has passed...

Happy Birthday Baby Yung Yung... :D